Jetpack Compose - What is the Difference Between ambientOf and staticAmbientOf
In this post, I talk a little about the difference between two top-level functions used to create an Ambient , the ambientOf and the…
In this post, I talk a little about the difference between two top-level functions used to create an Ambient , the ambientOf and the…
Glide allows us to load images asynchronously. However, the asynchronous loading behavior is not testable which can become a pain. In some…
Prerequisites Add material design dependency in Gradle file: Make sure your AppTheme inherited from a material theme like: Customization…
In this post I will show you how to implement two types transition animations for the floating action button (FAB): Speed dial Morph Both…
Install cygwin. Download cygwin installer then execute: Install oh-my-zsh . Make zsh as the default shell. Add following line to the top…